Section: New Software and Platforms


Participants : Nicolas Chleq, Julien Deantoni, Frédéric Mallet [correspondant] .

TimeSquare is a software environment for the modeling and analysis of timing constraints in embedded systems. It relies specifically on the Time Model of the Marte UML profile (see section 3.2 ), and more accurately on the associated Clock Constraint Specification Language (CCSL) for the expression of timing constraints.

TimeSquare offers five main functionalities:

  1. graphical and/or textual interactive specification of logical clocks and relative constraints between them;

  2. definition and handling of user-defined clock constraint libraries;

  3. automated simulation of concurrent behavior traces respecting such constraints, using a Boolean solver for consistent trace extraction;

  4. call-back mechanisms for the traceability of results (animation of models, display and interaction with waveform representations, generation of sequence diagrams...).

  5. compilation to pure java code to enable embedding in non eclipse applications or to be integrated as a time and concurrency solver within an existing tool.

In practice TimeSquare is a set of plug-ins developed for the Eclipse modeling framework. The software is registered by the Agence pour la Protection des Programmes, under number IDDN.FR.001.170007.000.S.P.2009.001.10600. It can be downloaded from the site http://timesquare.inria.fr/ . It has been integrated in the OpenEmbeDD ANR RNTL platform and recently in the Gemoc Studio .